Should You Quit?

by - August 13, 2020


It’s been a while since I have written anything on this blog.
Actually, I was just a little break from writing. I have been trying to make videos and all. Although I’m still making videos, I will try to post regularly here too.
So, let’s talk about today’s topic. Should you quit or not? I know by reading the title, some of you might be wondering that what the heck Manish. Why are you saying us to quit and all? Don’t you think that we should not give up on our dreams and all?
Well, just read this post and let me tell you why I think that sometimes quitting is good too. I am sure this post will going to change your views. So, with this being said, let’s dive straight into this post:
Sometimes quitting is good too
We all have listened to this thousand times that don’t quit. You should never give up and all. But the thing is this is a wrong approach. I mean, I am not saying that you should give up on your dreams totally. But what I believe is that you should know when to quit and when you don’t.
I mean, let’s imagine that you’re doing something with a wrong approach or with an improper technique. So, even after you put all the efforts, hustle, hard work, and all, you will not be going to get success in that work. Why?
Because you’re doing that with a wrong approach, so, that’s what I want you to know that instead of putting all the hard work blindly, analyze the technique by which you’re doing that work. You should be brave enough to adopt new changes. Don’t think in this way that no matter what happens, I am going to put all the hustle into this work, and I will eventually going to succeed.
You will be going to succeed, but not if you keep doing all that work by those wrong techniques. You should have to quit those wrong approaches, and you should adopt new changes. That’s the way to succeed.
So, that’s what I want you to know that don’t just put all the hard work, efforts blindly. Be smart enough and learn when to quit. That’s how you’ll be going to succeed.
So, that’s it for today. Share this post with someone who needs to read this.
Thank you.
Have a good day.

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