How to Overcome Frustration: Stay Calm in Every Situation

by - September 16, 2017

“A person who practices compassion and forgiveness has great inner strength, whereas aggression is usually a sign of weakness.” -Dalai Lama

“Do not learn how to react. Learn how to respond.” -Buddha

Let me guess something about your daily life! You work so hard, have very less time for your own and feels very frustrated almost every time.

We live an era where frustration and anger are in every place, but the one who overcomes from these evils is the one who lives in peace and stays calm in every situation.

But let me guess, you are not that one (not now, but at the end of this article you will be). Your life is full of frustration, stress, and anger. You can’t even find time for yourself to relax, maybe you are too busy with your work.

If your life is somewhat of this kind, then you really need to read this article.

In this article, I will tell you three simple but effective tips to overcome frustration and how you can stay calm in almost every situation.

3 Simple but Effective Tips to Overcome Frustration:

1. Stop Doing Multitasking.

No matter how hard you try to do multiple things at once perfectly, you will surely feel frustrated at the end.

When you do multiple things at once, your brain confuses and thus chances are higher you will feel more stressed and frustrated.

So, why should give yourself stress when you can simply just set a schedule for all the things!

*Make a proper schedule for your works,

*give appropriate time to each and everything

*and follow that schedule strictly.

Instead of doing things all at once, do the things on one by one.

2. Take a deep breath

Whenever there is something bad happens and you feel so much frustrated, just do a simple thing, take a deep breath.

Taking a long deep breath helps you to remove anxiety, stress, and frustration. It will help you to stay calm and to feel relaxed.

Some of the major benefits of taking long deep breaths are:

*It releases tension.

*Breathing relaxes the mind/body and brings clarity.

*It relieves pain.

*Breathing strengthens the immune system.

3. Live in the moment.

Try to live in the moment instead of thinking about what you can do later. Because when we think, we almost make an imaginative world in our mind and when we see the real world we become frustrated.

So why should waste your valuable time when you can enjoy the moment happening right now.

Try to see what you have positive in your life. and the best way to do it is to focus on appreciating what you do have.

You can see the good in every small thing which you have. You may have thousands of wishes for new things, but have you ever feel blessed for what you have!

Like For instance:

*A home and a roof over your head.

*Enough food for not having to go hungry.

*Your friends and loving family.

*Access to the internet J

Spend a few minutes on this and you will feel so much blessed and grateful for what you have today.

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