How to Motivate Yourself to Work

by - August 11, 2018

How to Motivate Yourself to Work

I have seen that it doesn’t matter how much do you love your work, or how bad you want to succeed. In life, there comes a moment when you feel lazy or just want to quit. Most of the times it because of a setback or failure. But keep it in mind those who overcome from that situation and work again with even more hard work, are the one who really succeeds here.

But the question is how can you motivate yourself to work when almost everything is going wrong? How can you keep going when you’re not getting your desired results?

Well, in today’s post I will share my thoughts and tips which I have personally used to overcome this situation and I am sure these tips will be going to help you a lot.
So, just take a coffee, sit down and read carefully.

How you can motivate yourself to work?

I am too just like you, I too get demotivated sometimes. But the thing is I know how to motivate myself. So, you now you might be saying like, ‘Manish come on just tell me, how can I motivate myself!’

Well, the first thing is you gotta love the process. You can’t just make it to the top if you do not love the process. Garyvee always says, “if you aren’t loving the process, you’re seriously missing a valuable part. If you aren’t loving the process, you can’t make it to the top.”

So, first thing first you gotta love the process. If you didn’t love your work, you’ll easily get bored and your desire to work more and more will vanish after a certain period of time. So, you should do what you love and you should love what you’re doing.

Now, most of you will think I love what I am doing, but still, I feel lazy and get demotivated easily. What should I do?

Find your why.

Well, let me tell you my short story. I have been blogging since January 2017 and now it’s more than a year over of my blogging journey. But the thing is I haven’t yet made any single penny from my blog. My long-term goal is to make a living out of my blog, but I haven’t yet made any money from it.

I have been consistently working on this blog, writing articles, just to help you guys without getting any money. Why? Because I love to help and love to write. Yeah! My long-term goal is to make money out of it, but that’s not the thing why I have started this blog.

See, I am continuously working on my blog because I love this process. I love to write and to gain more knowledge.

Did you get the point why I tell this?

You should have to find your “why.” You should have to figure this out that why you want to do this work, why are you even spending time on this particular thing. When your why is clear, you’ll work by yourself.

So, find your why and then you’ll see how things will change in your life.

Take care of your surroundings.

Well, surroundings matter. Believe me or not, but it matters. It doesn’t matter how much you ignore your negative friends or co-worker, at a point of life, you’ll too start feeling negative and demotivated. Just because of them.

You’ll too start thinking like them after a certain period of time. So, it’s important to take care of your surroundings and only allow positive people in your life.

I may sound rude to you but you should cut the negative people away from your life and you should choose your friends carefully.

“Stay away from negative people. They have a problem for every solution.”

Please do share it if you like it.

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