You Don't Need Any Reason to Be HAPPY | A Writer Who Inspires

by - February 23, 2020

Okay, so let’s get straight out to the point. How often do you feel lonely, how often do you feel like you don’t have any friends or someone with whom you can share things or who makes you happy? How often do you think that you are one of those creatures on Earth who is facing the most struggles and pain in their life?

Okay maybe I execrated a little bit. I mean no one thinks like that, or maybe someone thinks so.

But the point is if you too feel like this and think in this way then in this video I am going to tell you something which I think will going to change your perspective and how you look at things. I mean I think so that this is going to happen after all that’s the goal of making this video.

So, without any further due, let’s get straight out to the point.
“You don’t need a reason to be happy.”

Don’t say that I am just saying out a cool cliché quote. Honestly speaking this is what I think you should believe in and you should take a look at it.
In the book “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck” there’s a chapter in which Mark has told us that there are several questions that we should ask ourselves often. I mean if you are sad for a girl who left you then ask yourself that why are you sad about it. And try to answer it honestly.

I mean most times we often don’t even have any genuine answer and when we think about it we realize that none of these things really matter in our life. Most of us care about very little things which are happening in our life. We often think too much about things which don’t even matter. I mean what I should wear today, is she looking at me, why she is laughing at me and so on. These are some things about which we think a lot. But in the book, Mark has told us that when you start questioning yourself about almost everything then you look at things in a completely diff way.

I mean why are you not happy today, does this thing even matter, try questioning yourself these type of questions and believe me you’ll be going to feel and look at things in a complete diff way.

So, that’s why I believe that you don’t any reason to be happy. I mean you don’t need any reason or anyone to make you happy. You are enough on your own and that’s what you should be grateful for and you should realize.

As soon as you are going to realize it your life is going to be much better. 

Believe me.

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