Karma Quotes and Sayings (with pictures)

by - March 10, 2017


In simple words, Karma means What you do, you will get that later.

In a broader sense, it is a spiritual principle of cause and effect where intent and actions of an individual influence the future of that individual.

So, are you a believer in Karma or not?

As personally, I am a true believer in Karma.

If you believe in Karma, then believe me you will definitely gonna like these sayings and quotes of Karma.
And hey, if you want to dig into this concept of Karma and want to know more about it, then you must read this book: KARMA

So, let’s get started:

Karma Quotes and Sayings (with pictures):

1.    Karma has no menu
"Karma has no menu. You will get served what you deserve.”

“Karma has no menu. You will get served what you deserve.”

2.    Let Karma take over
“Sometime you have to walk away and let Karma take over.”

“Sometimes you have to walk away and let Karma take over.”

3.    Don’t waste time on Revenge
“Don’t waste your time on Revenge. Those that hurt you will eventually face their Karma.”

“Don’t waste your time on Revenge. Those that hurt you will eventually face their Karma.”

4.    Be Honest
“Be honest, like Karma it will eventually come back to you.”

“Be honest, like Karma it will eventually come back to you.”

5.    Revenge never solve anything
“Revenge will never solve anything, Karma will.”

“Revenge will never solve anything, Karma will.”

6.    Your Karma
Karma quotes and sayings

“How people react you is their Karma, how you react is yours.”

7.    Life is Boomerang
“Life is a Boomerang what you give, you get.”

“Life is a Boomerang what you give, you get.”

8.    Karma is like
“Karma is like a Rubber Band. You only stretch it so far before it comes back and smacks you in the face.”

“Karma is like a Rubber Band. You only stretch it so far before it comes back and smacks you in the face.”

9.    Deserve their own Karma
Create drama Deserve Karma

“People who create their own Drama, deserve their own Karma.”

10.  Fate depends on Karma
“Fate depends on our Karma. Everyone is responsible for his/her destiny.”

“Fate depends on our Karma. Everyone is responsible for his/her destiny.”

11.  As gravity as Karma
“Like gravity, karma is so basic we often don’t even notice it.”

Like gravity, karma is so basic we often don’t even notice it.” – Sakyong Mipham

12.  Handle their Fate
Karma fate quote

“Let the players play. Let the haters hate. And let the Karma handle their Fate.”

13.  Revenge waste of time
revenge karma quote

“Revenge is a waste of time and resources. Karma will do that much better than you can.”

14.  Deadline
Deadline karma sayings quotes

“Karma has no deadline.”

15.   Give the Best
give the best and best come back quote

“Give the world the best you have, and the best will come back to you.”

16.   Do Good
Do good and good will follow you

“Do good and good will follow you.”

17.    Happiness is not readymade
Happiness Dalai Lama quote

“Happiness is not something readymade. It comes from your own actions.” -Dalai Lama XIV

18. Karma Bus

"Karma bus delayed due to high demand. No worries. It's coming."

19. Everything happens for a reason

"Call it fate, call it luck, call it Karma. I believe everything happens for a reason."

Special thanks to http://www.coolnsmart.com/karma_quotes/to give us permission to share some of their quotes.

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